
  • RUTH ALEJANDRA PATIÑO JACINTO Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • SAMUEL DAVID BURGOS ROLÓN Universidad Santo Tomás
  • LAURA CAROLINA CASTRO Universidad Nacional de Colombia



assessment, fair value, fair value hierarchy


This paper arises from the concern to review the difficulties and complexities in the application of the concept of fair value, given that in some economies, such as Latin American ones, in some cases there are not active markets for the valuation of certain items. This leads to the obligation of using other techniques than the market value where additional data and tools are needed, which may have a cost and technical preparation requirement that companies may not have, in addition to discussions regarding reliability and the impact on the information that arises from these techniques. The article is carried out under the systematic review method, with the objective of determining whether proposals for solving problems have recently been generated or new problems associated with the issue of fair value emerge. From the review, the following categories were identified: concepts, critical analysis of the concept of fair value, the relationship of fair value with audit, disclosures and some case studies of the application of fair value in different environments. It was concluded that the problems are still valid, especially in emerging economies where there is no possibility of taking measurements in active markets and therefore must resort to other techniques which generates uncertainty regarding the reliability of the information.




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