Mass customization in the colombian textile sector - case fabricato
consumer, Fabricato, mass customization, strategyAbstract
This document addresses the organizational strategy undertaken by the Fabricato company since 2014. Specifically, the text analyzes the materialization of the strategy through the so-called Mass Customization. To do so, in addition to the literature review, the case study research had primary sources such as interviews, conferences, reports from the company’s presidency, and secondary sources such as books, press articles and magazines. Consequently, the paper presents practices and decisions necessary for the realization of the strategy, such as the acquisition of the new technology and the role of the people or collaborators. This strategy, used by world-class companies, will involve Fabricato into a greater relationship with end customers, an update in its production lines and an education campaign for future consumers. This will allow an advantage over the large volume market suppliers, by providing greater added value and therefore the possibility of having better prices.
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