The economic crisis gives 2008: some theoretical reflections from j.m. keynes and h. p. minsky


  • STELLA DEL PILAR VENEGAS CALLE Ministerio de Educación del Brasil-IEL Nacional.



Keynesianism, Poskeynesians, economic crisis, financing of the economy, financial instability, mortgages suboccupies first place


From the Keynesian theory and the developments Poskeynesianos de Hyman Minsky, the present article shows some of the principal theoretical elements of reference that they allow to realize an analytical approximation in the study of the economic crisis that became visible about August, 2007. The work begins with an explanation of the phenomena that characterizes the economic crisis of ends of 2007, known also as crisis of the mortgages l suboccupies first place. In the second and third part, the principal topics approached by J. M are exposed. Keynes and H.P. Minsky, respectively, which constitute fundamental aspects in the understanding of the mentioned crisis. Finally, in the last section, the conclusions of the work are elaborated.


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Author Biography

  • STELLA DEL PILAR VENEGAS CALLE, Ministerio de Educación del Brasil-IEL Nacional.


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How to Cite

The economic crisis gives 2008: some theoretical reflections from j.m. keynes and h. p. minsky. (2018). Criterio Libre, 8(12), 93-114.