The austrian business cycle theory and the recent financial crisis
Austrian school of economics, economic cycle, fi nancial crisisAbstract
The argument presented in this paper is based on the recognition that the Austrian Business Cycle Theory is outdated in its description of how the effects of monetary phenomena are transmitted to the real sector and produce business cycles. In the paper it is argued that there are epistemological limitations for successfully preventing infl ationary credit expansions by the adoption of Infl ation Targeting policies and that the adoption of such policies is the cause of the economic boom that ended in 2007. It is also described in the paper how monetary contraction happened, starting in September 2008; and that is offered as an explanation for the beginning of the downturn. Finally, it is argued in the paper that once started the downturn a prudential response by the monetary authorities, one that would mimic the reactions of the competing money suppliers in a free market would have been, is the proper course of action under the current monetary arrangements.
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