Measurement of poverty in Colombia
Crossing unidimensional measures
Multidimensional indicators, Poverty, WelfareAbstract
The objective of this document is to estimate poverty rates, gaps and severity in Colombia through multidimensional indicators, which include variables that allow a more comprehensive evaluation of factors that significantly affect the welfare of individuals. The study concentrates on metropolitan areas to observe differences between urban regions, which mark an important portion of the population that migrates due to the detriment of the social and economic conditions of their regions of origin. Then, using the multidimensional indicators obtained in the first part of the document, the determinants of poverty are analyzed. The results show that one-dimensional measures based on income underestimate poverty rates, given the precarious conditions in other dimensions of households. At the same time, when the multidimensional approach is taken into account, there are clear differences between regions of the country. On the other hand, estimates show that the main determinants of the poverty condition are determined by dimensions related to education, housing conditions, use of ICT and employability, which demonstrates the importance of analyzing poverty beyond monetary income.
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