Factores que inciden en la incorporación y formalización de procesos de innovación y desarrollo de productos en las Mipymes
Formalization, Incorporation, Development, Products, Factors, Internal and externalAbstract
The activity of innovation and development of new products acquires a superior interest for the organizations, as as Francisco Miranda (2010) puts it, “The development of new products has become a key factor to achieve Business success”. In this reality the product is the articulating link between the needs of the market and the capacities and aptitudes of the organizations, being this condition that demands the need of having processes of innovation and development of products capable of giving answers to the double purpose that this Exercise denotes. According to Escorsa and Valls (2003), they affirm that the product development is achieved, through a complex, diversified process that demands interactions of diverse nature and is affected by different factors, the latter being those that delimit the conditions and technological behaviors of The organization, which ultimately determines the strategic position and competence of the company. It can be established that there are factors internal and external to the organization, which influence the development of innovation and product development, which are the ones that determine the possibilities of incorporation and formalization of product development processes. Regarding external factors, the following can be classified as relevant: those related to: The state of the sector, the state of science and technology, the state of the regulations and legislation applicable to the development of products. With regard to the internal factors of the organizations, the following are identified: The orientation of the company, the perception of innovation and the processes of knowledge management within the organization, as well as And characteristics such as organizational processes, planning, organizational management and determining the skills of this adoption and therefore for the internal management of innovation processes and product development.
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