Poverty and Human Rights of Latin American Women between 2018 and 2022: Cases from Mexico and Colombia
Poverty, Human Rights, Women, Latin America, Covid 19Abstract
The objective of this article is to reflect on whether the poverty of Latin American women generates the violation of their human rights, focusing comparatively on Mexico and Colombia; and the unit of analysis established for the development of this article is to examine poverty and the violation of human rights of Latin American women, between the years 2018 and 2022, as a case study of Mexico and Colombia, trying to identify whether the covid-19 pandemic had a real effect on the population of this vulnerable group. the main indicators examined are: population by sex and indigenous origin, multidimensional poverty, type of settlement, recognition of the head of the household, educational level and lack of access to health services and methodologically the design of this research is socio-legal for law with a quantitative approach, since, to carry it out, the national household income and expenditure surveys (ENIGH’S) for the periods 2018 and 2020 were taken as information bases, in Mexico and Colombia the report was used of sociodemographic statistics applied to the AWA people in 2018. subsequently, the Stata 13.0 econometric program was used. for the analysis of the databases and carrying out the calculations presented in this investigation. the main findings of the study determine that, on the side of the hypothesis it posed, that the poverty of indigenous women has increased from the period 2018 – 2020, this was due to the economic conditions experienced by the covid-19 quarantine, and its once again, the impact on this social group is observed and a greater tendency towards poverty exists between this group and the rest of society, which is why it is concluded that the situation of indigenous women is worrying in both Mexico and Colombia. therefore, to the repercussions of covid-19, other violations of rights are added that have historically become repetitive, such as the lack of access to comprehensive health services, including sexual and reproductive health, structural discrimination, and violence, both for reasons of gender and ethnicity, as well as other barriers in access to state protection services, including social protection services, access to justice, education, and decent sources of employment.
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