Relationship of sleep with the development of metabolic syndrome in workers of the Fire Department of the city of Ibarra


  • David Francisco Altamirano Valladares Estudiante UTN
  • Carmen Cecilia Pacheco Quintana Docente en Universidad Técnica del Norte. Ibarra-Ecuador.



Metabolic Syndrome, Circadian Rhythm, Hours of sleep, Sleep quality, sleep, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, firefighters, in labor risk factors


Background: Metabolic syndrome is considered a chronic and progressive pathophysiological state, which represents a group of risk factors, defined by a unifying pathology that associates its development with circadian rhythm disturbances.

Objective: To relate the hourly sleep deficit and the poor quality of sleep as a risk factor for the development of metabolic syndrome.

Methods: The study design was non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional. The study population were workers of the Ibarra Fire Department, where the alteration of the circadian rhythm was studied by means of the Pittsburgh scale to evaluate the quality and schedule of sleep, this was related to the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, through clinical data. and laboratory, it was performed by statistical significance tests to establish correlation.

Results: The participants were mostly men, from 31 to 40 years old, from the operational area, with a 24-hour work schedule, with adequate sleep quality and a sleep schedule of less than 8 hours. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 11.8%, which represents that 1 in 10 officials tend to present this pathology. Within the relationship between metabolic syndrome and sleep time and its quality, it does not reflect a statistical relationship but a clinical association is highlighted that is described in the consulted bibliography.

Conclusion: The current lack of adequate sleep and the increasing prevalence and incidence of metabolic syndrome and obesity may point to sleep as a cardiovascular and metabolic risk factor.


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How to Cite

Altamirano Valladares, D. F., & Pacheco Quintana, C. C. (2022). Relationship of sleep with the development of metabolic syndrome in workers of the Fire Department of the city of Ibarra. Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 12(2), e-8987.

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