Mental workload associated with night shift in workers of a pre-pharmaceutical company: Comparative study


  • Jorge Arellano-Calderón Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Enrique López-Hernández Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Irving Mishel Aurioles-Tapia Instituto Politécnico Nacional



Mental workload, night shift, pre-pharmaceutical company


Mental requirement is one of the six dimensions of the NASA-TLX instrument. Commonly used to assess their contribution to overall workload, as well as their individual importance in the mental health of the individual. Objective: The presence of mental workload associated to night shift workers in a pre-pharmaceutical company dedicated to glass syringe manufacturing. Methods: The sample was evenly split 60 workers on night and day shift. The NASA-TLX instrument was used. It was analyzed building contingency tables and SPSS v22 program. Results: The estimate risk showed a 62% less likelihood existing mental workload to be on the day shift with respect to the night shift; therefore no greater mental workload at night existed. In addition, insomnia, considering the shift as a factor of fatigue, the increased use of union permits, effort and overall workload were significant in the night shift compared to the day shift. Conclusions: The performance of night work activities may present a depletion in physical and cognitive abilities of workers, coupled with the association with their own individual (demographic, physiological and behavioral), and its environment (family, social and labor) intervening variables.


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How to Cite

Arellano-Calderón, J., López-Hernández, E., & Aurioles-Tapia, I. M. (2021). Mental workload associated with night shift in workers of a pre-pharmaceutical company: Comparative study. Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 6(4), 109-115.

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