Medical-related absenteeism in bus drivers from the bus rapid transit system of Cali (Colombia)


  • Rodolfo Mosquera Navarro Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Diana Ordoñez Cubides Universidad Libre
  • Alba Colombia Grajales Universidad Libre



bus operator, absenteeism, medical-related absenteeism, musculoskeletal diseases, costs, performance, productivity


Absenteeism is a phenomenon in which multiple factors, which affected the worker, family, business and the economy, since a decline in gross domestic product is presented involved. In Colombia, have implemented Mass Transit Systems in cities across the country in the last four years; the magnitude and behavior of absenteeism in this economic activity and group of workers is unknown.

Objective: This study describes the behavior of absenteeism for health reasons Operators bus company Mass Transit System in Cali, during the period 2010 to 2013.

Methodology: longitudinal descriptive retrospective, with Based on information provided by the company generated disabilities 2700 for health reasons. Given the high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in the working population, will deepen this diagnosis group.

Results: We showed that with age the proportion of people absent except for the age groups of 44 increases - 49 years. During the study period the total scheduled time lost 2.3%. Regarding the type of contingency The "General Disease" accounted for 97.66% of the events and was responsible for the higher frequency of lost days and all indicators.

Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate the need for research into the root causes by the company , of the three main diagnostic groups : infectious and parasitic diseases , respiratory diseases and the musculoskeletal diseases that generated the highest number of absences Workers and the highest general disease. The results of this study add investigating the root causes by the company, the three main diagnostic groups that generate absence workers and focusing systems occupational epidemiological surveillance.


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How to Cite

Medical-related absenteeism in bus drivers from the bus rapid transit system of Cali (Colombia). (2015). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 5(4), 10-17.

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