Direct respiratory labor diseases and quality of life in workers attended at a health institution. Cali 2015
Saint George resuscitative questionnaire, direct labor diseases, silicosis, asbestosis, occupational asthma and quality of lifeAbstract
In Colombia, four respiratory diseases have been defined as being of labor origin. Direct to which there are no references of the affectation that they have as a group on the quality of life.Objective: To establish if there is a relationship between direct occupational diseases and quality of life in workers attending a health care institution in the city of Cali in 2015.Methods: One hundred workers with respiratory pathology of labor origin were interviewed; 50 with direct labor diseases and 50 with non-direct labor. The Saint George respiratory questionnaire was administered. Which measures dimensions of quality of life of the disease.Results: We found statistically significant differences when comparing the different types of illness and the different occupations.Conclusion: There is no relation between direct occupational diseases and quality of life in workers attending a health care institution. Because wo groups of diseases with similar severity were compared
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