Epicondylitis and risk factors: A review of the literature


  • Diego Fernando Gómez Vélez Universidad Libre
  • Fabián Augusto Montoya Molina Universidad de San Buenaventura


Epicondylitis, risk factors derived from physical load, psychosocial risk factors


Objective: To carry out a systematic review of the literature describing the relationships between physical load factors and intra-occupational psychosocial factors with epicondylitis. Methodology: A descriptive review was performed, using an electronic bibliographic search from 1995 to 2012, in the PUBMED and SCIELO databases of articles related to risk factors for epicondylitis. From 48 related articles, 23 were selected that met the inclusion criteria. Results: It was found that physical load factors such as posture in flexion and extension, repetitive movements of pronation and supination of the forearm and flexion and extension of the hand with the application of force are the main risk factors of physical load for epicondylitis. Regarding psychosocial risk factors, domains such as work under control, low social support and high job demands have been involved, with fewer studies and less consistency of results. Conclusions: At the origin of epicondylitis, risk factors for physical load must be considered. The presence of psychosocial risk factors can increase the risk of epicondylitis.


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How to Cite

Epicondylitis and risk factors: A review of the literature. (2012). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 2(4), 18-23. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/rc_salud_ocupa/article/view/4846

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