Psychosocial risk factors, Burnout and work engagement in workers of small shops in commercial squares of Guadalajara.


  • Manuel Pando Moreno Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Carolina Aranda Beltrán Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Juan Manuel Zambrano Torres Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Iván López Pérez Universidad de Guadalajara


Burnout, Work Engagement, psychosocial risk


The psychosocial “risk factors" understood as the interactions that are produced because of the work can exert both a harmful influence and positive to the health. Between the harmful results highlights the Burnout considered like the final state of a progression of failure attempts to handle the occupational stress, whereas between the positive situations we will signal the Work Engagement as a motivational concept beneficial to the health related to the work and the life.

Methodology: The research is a type of study transversal, observational and descriptive. The population is constituted by workers of small shops in commercial squares of Guadalajara (Mexico), taking in to account 112 individuals.

Results: 92% were women and 8% men. The ages ranged between 15 and 52 years but 89.3% were minor of 30 years; 73.2% single; people with negative psychosocial factors (78.6%) perceive an excessive “Work Load”; 65 (58%) "Content and Characteristic of the Task”; 78 (69.7%) “Work Requirements” and 56 (50%) was affected in the “Job Role and Career Development”. The socio-demographic variables do not have any influence in: the exposure to Psychosocial Factors of Work Risk, the presence of Burnout and the level of Work Engagement. Regarding the Burnout, the “Depersonalization” showed 59.9% “burned”, and 30.4% presented at least 2 burned dimensions. From the Engagement 55.3% have a high qualification in “wellbeing”; 63.4% in “Dedication”; and 60.7% in "Absorption”. There was found a significant association of some forms of Psychosocial Work Factors in both the Burnout, and the Work Engagement.

Conclusions: the quality of the Psychosocial Factors affects the presence of Burnout and / or Work engagement.


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How to Cite

Psychosocial risk factors, Burnout and work engagement in workers of small shops in commercial squares of Guadalajara. (2011). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 1(3), 21-27.

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