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Burned with fireworks in Cali-Colombia during the December season: fifteen years after the law 670 of 2001


  • Doris Stella Tejeda-Puentes Secretaria Distrital de Salud Municipal, Cali, Colombia
  • Mauricio Hernández Carrillo Universidad Libre, Secretaria de Salud Pública Municipal de Cali, Universidad del Valle, Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Escuela Nacional del Deporte.
  • Oscar Londoño Secretaria Distrital de Salud Municipal, Cali, Colombia



Burns, Wounds and Injuries, Emergencies, Mandatory Reporting, Epidemiology


Introduction: Gunpowder injuries generate high socio-economic costs and environmental damage. An analysis is presented, fifteen years after the issuance of a national policy to avoid injuries due to this cause.

Objective: To describe the behavior of injuries related to the use of gunpowder during the holiday celebrations in Santiago de Cali-Colombia during the period 2002-2016.

Method: Retrospective descriptive study. Using the secondary database of the Social Observatory and SIVIGILA, the cases of people burned by gunpowder in the city were characterized.

Results: We identified 655 injured by gunpowder in December, 83% of the injured were men, and 43% were minors, being the group of 10 to 14 years the most affected, a significant decrease was reached in the group of the early childhood The most affected parts were upper limbs and head.

Conclusion: The policy has had a positive impact on protecting early childhood. It is recommended wider dissemination of the norm in the pre-December period and promotion of education with a gender focus, aimed at the educational community (schoolchildren, teachers, and parents) to influence patriarchal customs such as the use of gunpowder to celebrate that increase the health impact of existing regulations.


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2023-12-13 — Updated on 2023-12-13




Cali District Secretary of Health. Street 4B #36-00. Phone 6025542267

How to Cite

Burned with fireworks in Cali-Colombia during the December season: fifteen years after the law 670 of 2001. (2023). Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 7(2).

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