Knowledge management from the strategic direction of medium-sized companies in the industry and commerce sector in Santiago de Cali – Colombia




Knowledge management, strategic direction, medium-sized companies, industry and commerce sector, Santiago de Cali


The objective of this article is to show if there are criteria defined from the strategic direction of medium-sized companies in the industry and commerce of Santiago de Cali, which contribute to knowledge management in this type of organization. The research was approached from a quantitative non-experimental design approach, its purpose is to describe variables and analyze their incidence and interrelation at a given time. To collect the information, a survey was applied to 63 medium-sized companies in the industry and commerce sector and the data obtained were processed using statistical tools such as the Cronbach’s Alpha, frequency tables and the Pearson coefficient. According to the results of the study, medium-sized companies in the industry and commerce sector of Santiago de Cali, do not formally establish criteria based on the strategic direction that they contribute to knowledge management; this occurs mainly because the definition and / or modification of the strategic aspects is concentrated in the managers, and by the existence of rigid lines of authority in the different levels of these organizations, which prevents the contribution of the collaborators through their experience to the improvement of the processes and hinders the mobilization of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Knowledge management from the strategic direction of medium-sized companies in the industry and commerce sector in Santiago de Cali – Colombia. (2019). Entramado, 15(1), 12-22.

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