Corp orate social responsibility and human resource management
a strategic relationship app lied based on an explanatory model
Business social responsibility, corporate social responsibility, human resource management, human resources, strategic perspective, modelAbstract
This work is intended to provide an explanation of the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource management based on the implementation of an explanatory model at a Colombian company. The company is a case study prepared by the humanism and management research team (2012) using in-depth interviews with management staff and questionnaires geared to workers. On the one hand, the findings, which are the result of bibliographic review, case analysis, and implementation of the model, make it possible to observe and describe the conditions and dimensions that explain the relationship between CSR and human resource management from a strategic perspective. On the other hand, they are also useful for identifying research alternatives to validate the relationships established in the proposed approach and to address new issues. Lastly, these findings make a contribution to the academic and business fields, particularly for CSR and human resource management researchers who wish to explore research alternatives as well as for Colombian businessmen and students who are interested in creating strategies for companies based on these two approaches.
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