European interregionalism and regional Latin American integration


  • Andrea Parra Santamaría Universidad de Liège


Regionalism, inter-regionalism, European Union, Latin America, FTA, regional integration, soft power


The relationship between the European Union and the Latin American region is a part of the logic of inter-regionalism. This article approaches this relation particularly as regards Latin American integration. To this end, it first addresses a conceptual overview (considering the academic implications of concepts such as, e.g., region, regionalism, and inter-regionalism, among others). A documentary method was used for verifying the existence of an interregional strategy for the European Union and the possible Americanization of such a strategy. As a result of this, the existence of this strategy has translated, among other things, into the negotiation of a Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Andean Community of Nations (FTA EU-ACN). Two major conclusions can be drawn from this article. On the one hand, there is evidence of said Americanization, and on the other hand, the second conclusion is that the international presence of Europe as a regional actor has grown strong. This strength is comparable with the strengthening of its soft power worldwide.


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How to Cite

European interregionalism and regional Latin American integration. (2010). Entramado, 6(2), 96-105.

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