Educación y acceso a empleos de calidad en Cali
una revisión a la discriminación laboral por sexo
Employment, work economy, discriminationAbstract
This document delivers the results for an estimate of the probability of being employed in a quality job in the Cali, Colombia job market and its metropolitan area during 2006, evaluating the marginal effect that additional years of education have on different age groups including determinants as type, sex, civil status, and head of household. The objective of this estimation is to establish possible degrees of inequality said market in accordance to what is stipulated in the work economy literature. Logit type parameter models are estimated to contrast the results obtained with them for the labor market discrimination theory. The results reflect the presence of statistical labor market discrimination; those affected are those who stated they were single and not the head of the household in 2006. Additionally, the estimates reflect sexual discriminatory behavior against women as to the probability of having quality employment.
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