Innovation in organizations: A Literature Review



Palabras clave:

Innovación, Estrategias innovadoras, Organizaciones, Competitividad


This article presents a systematic revision of the literature based on the innovation in organizations in a global context, making an emphasis on the benefits and contributions of the innovations as a strategic purpose for the competitiveness of the companies. As an object, we find to highlight the importance and integration of the concept of innovation in all functional areas, so this can facilitate the development of creativity and the idea implementations such as essential elements for organizational sustainability. The previous information was taken from the research of the keywords “innovation”, “organizations”, “Organizational innovations” and “applied innovation organization”, on the scientific databases Scopus, Science Direct and EbscoHost, on the years 2015 to 2020. The initial research showed a total of 2355 articles, on which by applying the criteria’s inclusion related with the themes of development and innovation, of adoption and contribution of the innovation, stayed minimized up to 50 articles. As a result of investigation, it was observed that the innovation is a holistic process in which they converge the functions of production, technology, investigation and evolution of new products, that impulse the creation value, competition by sustainability organizations.


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Innovation in organizations: A Literature Review . (2023). Dictamen Libre, 32: Enero-Junio, 77-92.

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