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CSR in restaurants: analysis of a study case in Bogotá, Colombia


  • Carlos-Arturo Tellez-Bedoya Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
  • Camilo Andres Ramos Pineda Secretaría de Educación Distrital



corporate social responsibility, restaurants, tourism


The objective of this paper is to analyze the interpretations and practices that the actors immersed in the social fabric of the gastronomy sector in Bogotá carry out in relation to CSR, and especially to know discourse of managers and collaborators of the restaurants under study in Bogotá, Colombia. This research had a qualitative approach and case study method, in-depth interview was used as a research instrument. Data analysis was carried out using the content analysis method. In Bogota there is not much research on Corporate Social Responsibility –CSR- in restaurants, and this does not consider that restaurants are an important sector, although they generate thousands of jobs and have decisive impacts on the cultural, social, environmental, and economic scope of the social fabric. In addition, the methodological design has the advantage of approaching the interpretations of different social actors. It is evident that in the restaurants under study some practices go beyond compliance with the law or even the search for a certain economic rationality. However, the general trend denotes that despite the qualification gotten, little active by the company, the pressure of competition and various regulatory initiatives allow us to visualize a greater presence of this type of business proactivity in the future. Undoubtedly, the management of the business and the relationship with all the actors will be positively impacted.


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2022-06-22 — Updated on 2022-06-22


How to Cite

CSR in restaurants: analysis of a study case in Bogotá, Colombia. (2022). Criterio Libre, 20(36), e-217974.