Technological innovations and its role in the evolution of the cell phone mobile device manufacturers industry (tmc) in the 1997-2016 period: a case study from the perspective of the industry life cycle model (ILC)
cellular mobile phone device industry (TMC), Industry life cycle, product and process innovation, technological innovation management and R&D, technological convergenceAbstract
This article proposes to work with the Industry Life Cycle (ILC) approach for a better understanding of technological innovations role in industry of manufacturers of mobile cellular telephony devices (TMC devices), as well as in evolution of this sector. Three qualitative strategies of information processing and analysis are used for construction of meaning. This information was organized, systematized and confronted with assumptions of the industry life cycle model (ILC) proposed by Utterback and Abernathy (1975) for the period between 1997 and 2017. The analysis suggests that the behavior of the TMC device industry conforms to the assumptions of the ILC model. It is also worth noting Apple’s iPhone as the dominant design since its appearance (2007) until today (2019). It also shows that, as of the date of this investigation and according to the ILC assumptions, this industry is in transition between the “transitional” and “specific” phases, as well as the importance of technological convergence as a source of innovation in this industry. Some trajectories or possible future directions in the evolution and technological innovations for this industry are also proposed, always from the perspective of the ILC model.
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