Accountant production in universities affiliated to the Latin American Association of Colleges and Schools of accounting and management (ALAFEC):

Case Argentina, Chile and Mexico


  • Juan Carlos Ayala Serrano



Accounting journals, Accounting trends, ALAFEC, Bibliometric, Accounting analysis.


In developing accounting research in Latin America it is important to recognize the written production being undertaken by various universities affiliated to the Latin American Association of Colleges and Schools of Accounting and Management (ALAFEC) from its research journals, so it can be reviewed, at first, some aspects related to productivity from bibliometric analysis parameters and then go on to analyze the trend of these items versus Control, Management and Governance. Hence, this paper aims to initiate this analysis from articles written in Argentina, Chile and Mexico, where, from the data presented may be evident that some institutions made efforts to strengthen the accounting production so that they become analytical benchmarks for the region and the Association


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How to Cite

Accountant production in universities affiliated to the Latin American Association of Colleges and Schools of accounting and management (ALAFEC):: Case Argentina, Chile and Mexico. (2014). Criterio Libre, 12(21), 221-248.