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Utility companies accounting

advancements in the literature




Regulatory Accounting, Users, Regulatory Companies, Regulatory Commissions


Financial information that is homogenized under the endorsement and application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) does not adequately meet the needs of all contexts and users of financial information. Utility companies possess specific characteristics that necessitate distinct applications of financial accounting, which not only serve to produce reports for investors’ decision-making but also inform the setting of fees and facilitate the inspection and monitoring of service provision. This distinction is crucial, as the services provided by these companies are of public interest and essential for societal welfare. This paper conducts a systematic review of the literature to identify and systematize the definitions, users, and topics addressed in research on Utility Companies Accounting (UCA). This inquiry is significant in light of the standardization processes within accounting that cater to the needs of capital market users—an issue that raises dilemmas previously discussed in the literature. The results present a conceptual and interpretative reflection on advancements in UCA research, highlight ongoing discussions, and underscore the importance of accounting in reducing information asymmetry among the various users of utility services. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to disseminate more information tailored to the requirements of utility company management and regulation, as well as to other users, such as citizens, government, and regulatory bodies, which may not align with the standardization processes under IFRS


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Author Biographies

  • Carlos Augusto Rincón Soto, Universidad del Valle

    Profesor Asociado de la Universidad del Valle. Doctor en Administración, Maestría en Contabilidad,
    Maestría en Gestión de Proyectos Universidad del Valle. ORCID:
    Correo electrónico:

  • Mauricio Gómez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
    Profesor Titular de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Contador Público y Magíster en Administración de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Magíster en Contabilidad, Auditoría y Control de Gestión y Doctor en Contabilidad de la Universidad de Valencia. ORCID: Correo electrónico:   Doctor en Contabilidad - Universitat de Valencia (España). Magister en Contabilidad, Auditoría y Control de Gestión. Magister en Administración. Contador Público. Profesor-Investigador, Escuela de Administración y Contaduría. Temas de Investigación: Teoría de la Contabilidad, Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, Contabilidad Social y Ambiental.


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How to Cite

Utility companies accounting: advancements in the literature. (2024). Criterio Libre, 22(41).