Consumer perception analysis of alcoholic beverages – beer


  • Jaime Waldo Carvajal Pedraza
  • Edgar Enrique Zapata Guerrero Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Perception process, alcoholic beverages, market, consumer


Ever since before intercultural conquests, humanity has consumed alcoholic beverages in different geographical regions, including groups of every continent. Even though fabrication procedures for these beverages have evolved technologically, the effect they have on people´s behavior and its use remains practically the same. The present work collects different studies about the perceptions of consumers of alcoholic beverages, consumption studies and demographic patterns. The description of mechanisms operating during the perception process, the characterization of beer and its modern fabrication process, as well as the investigation results from the perspective of alcoholic beverage producers and the organizations, concerned about consumption associated risks.


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Author Biography

  • Edgar Enrique Zapata Guerrero, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


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How to Cite

Consumer perception analysis of alcoholic beverages – beer. (2017). Criterio Libre, 10(17), 107-126.