A student perspective on learning environments in accounting discipline


  • Gabriela María Farías Martínez
  • Margarita Betancourt Guerra
  • Roberto Elizondo Cantú




Accounting, Learning environments, Students.


The current investigation describes an educational experience, focused on the diverse learning environments of the accounting discipline and the teacher’s role in each of them. Presenting the results of the study of a case performed in specialty courses of the public accounting degree bonded to the professional practice. For the development of this investigation, the research tools implemented were profound interviews, observation and analysis of documents for the obtaining of data related to the categories of formative process, learning environments and student’s role. Indicating the results, the importance of the relationship in the formative process, the need of open, collaborative and innovating learning areas, and the need of a teacher that assumes various roles. Emphasizing that the student must recognize the university as a formative space to make mistakes, ask and learn, being this a facility that he does not possess entirely in a professional environment in which he is evaluated based on his efficiency and effectiveness.


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How to Cite

A student perspective on learning environments in accounting discipline. (2016). Criterio Libre, 14(25), 107-132. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2016v14n25.1038