Urban accessibility measure to cultural heritage in Manizales (Colombia)


  • Diego Alexander Escobar García, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional
  • Juan Pablo Duque Cañas, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional
  • Jaime Alberto Giraldo García, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional


Accessibility, Cultural Heritage, Geostatistics, GPS, Spatial coverage


This research is supported in primary informationfor a period longer than one year, with GPS devices(more than 18 million records). We calculate thetravel times to be invested to reach the buildingsthat were declared National Cultural Heritage, andthe spatial coverage in terms of population andarea were calculated too. Geostatistical techniquesare applied in order to find the relationship betweenthe geographic location of the cultural heritage(buildings of great historical value) and operationalfeatures offered by the transportation network ofthe city of Manizales (Colombia). Graphical resultsare obtained that can explain the time that must beinvested to reach a certain building and quantitativecomparisons between different types of existingCultural Heritage in the city.


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How to Cite

Urban accessibility measure to cultural heritage in Manizales (Colombia). (2013). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 10(2), 80-86. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/avances/article/view/2751

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