Relación alma-cuerpo
El dualismo cartesiano y la refutación Kantiana del idealismo
Substance, mind-body relation, substance communications, empirical realism, refutation of idealismAbstract
The present article aims to establish the responsibility of Descartes in the construction of the mind-body problematic trough the dualistic separation of soul and body in modern philosophy which reach its maximum in the skepticism of body existence; and it pretends to understand the response to idealism and the transcendental realism made by Kant in the Critic of Pure Reason as a response to this Cartesian proposal.
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- MOLESWORTH (Ed.), The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury (Vol. I). London: John Bohn.
- LAKOFF, G., & Johnson, M. (1999). Philosophy in the flesh. New York: Basic Books.
- ROBINSON, H. (2014). “Substance”. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved february 18, 2016, from http://plato.stanford. edu/archives/spr2014/entries/substance/
- SERRANO, G. (1994). La crítica de Kant al cogito cartesiano y sus consecuencias sistemáticas. Ideas y Valores(94), 21-34.
- SHAPIRO, L. (1999). Princess Elizabeth y Descartes: the union of soul and body and the practice of philosophy. British Journal for the history of philosophy, 7(3), 503-520.
- VINCI, T. (2008). Mind–body causation, mind–body union and the ‘special mode of thinking’ in Descartes. British Journal for the history of philosophy, 16(3), 461-488. doi: 10.1080/09608780802200414
- YANDELL, D. (1999). Did Descartes abandon dualism? The nature of the union Mind and Body. British Journal for the history of philosophy, 7(2), 199-217.
- ZALDIVAR, E. (2011). Descartes’s theory of substance: Why he was not a trialist. British Journal for the history of philosophy, 19(3), 395-418. doi: 10.1080/09608788.2011.563519
How to Cite
Relación alma-cuerpo: El dualismo cartesiano y la refutación Kantiana del idealismo. (2016). Sin Fundamento, 21, 179-199.