The Application of Restorative Justice in Colombia and the Non-Violation of the Principle of Criminal Legality


  • Henry Torres-Vásquez Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Tunja, Colombia
  • Diana-Marcela Cruz-Orduña Dirección Ejecutiva Seccional de Administracion Judicial - Bogota, Colombia



Punishable conduct, Criminal Law, Victim, Principle of legality, Restorative Justice


The consideration of a strict principle of legality as a guaranteeing and sanctioning axiom of the penal system is related by a certain doctrinal sector to legal difficulties when it comes to applying restorative justice. In order to achieve a better appropriation and extension of the application of a restorative justice model in criminal law, this article seeks to influence existing conditions such that criminal law operators may apply restorative justice to numerous punishable behaviors without discomfort, and with a sound scientific basis. This article proposes a holistic study of the principle of legality and its relationship with restorative justice, based on an analysis-synthesis methodology applied to a doctrinal, normative, and jurisprudential study of a national and international level. The main objective should be to determine how the relationship between the principle of legality and the restorative approach works in Colombia. In this framework, when using restorative justice, the ius puniendi is taken into account as a constitutional power which is not violated by the use of a third way to criminal law. This is not a model of civil justice: it allows the expansion of a practice in which the principles of criminal law are present, such as the voluntary and active participation of the victims, and in which the victims stand out as the center of attention. The victims’ requests are taken into consideration, and they become part of the solution to the criminal conflict. The conclusion posed here is that criminal law together with retributive justice, and hand in hand with restorative justice, are part of the dialogue necessary for a reconciliation between the victim, the aggressor, and society in general.


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Author Biographies

  • Henry Torres-Vásquez, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Tunja, Colombia

    Doctor en Sistema Penal de la Universidad Jaime I de Castellón, España. Tesis doctoral: análisis del terrorismo de Estado, máxima calificación “Cum Laude” por unanimidad, 2008. Abogado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Licenciado en Derecho en España. Par académico e Investigador Asociado (1) de Minciencias. Profesor Asociado de Derecho penal de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.

  • Diana-Marcela Cruz-Orduña, Dirección Ejecutiva Seccional de Administracion Judicial - Bogota, Colombia

    Formadora de la Escuela Judicial Rodrigo Lara Bonilla. Abogada de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, especialista en Derecho de Familia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, especialista en Ciencias Forenses y Técnica Probatoria de la Universidad Libre; Magíster en Sistema de Justicia Penal de la Universidad de Lleida, Alicante, Jaime I y Rovira I Virgili (España), y doctoranda de la Universidad de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Juez de Conocimiento de Adolescentes de Bogotá


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How to Cite

The Application of Restorative Justice in Colombia and the Non-Violation of the Principle of Criminal Legality. (2022). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 17(1), 175-198.

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