Domestic violence in the process of development of the minors in Cartagena and its social repercussions
mental health, drug use, psychoactive substances, society, family, family nuclei, violence, crime, harmonious environment, domestic violenceAbstract
This article was based on a documentary research that aims to analyze how domestic violence marks or influences the process of formation and development of the future citizen in order to raise awareness about the importance of preserving levels of respect which must exist within families. This article achieves a high social relevance because the problem that develops in it can occur in families of different social stratum or conditions. In other words, having the knowledge of the existence of this phenomenon is important in the family life of all households, since these behaviors and their effects do not distinguish religion, race, gender or social status. Moreover, the study of these acts allows us to understand even more the victimogenesis of domestic violence and the consequences that unfold from these situations. To this end, we will draw on the studies that exist on this issue at the global and national levels with an accentuated focus on the various reports that have been issued by governmental and non-governmental entities in the Cartagena district.
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