National system of school coexistence and agonistic democracy: a perspective for dealing with conflict in school institutions.


  • Paul Breinner Cáceres-Roja Student of the Master of Philosophy at the Universidad de Santander University, Lawyer and Philosopher. Young investigator of Colciencias linked to the Politeia research group of the UIS. Professor of the School of Philosophy of the Industrial University of Santander, UIS and of the Law program of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, Unab.
  • Javier Orlando Aguirre-Román Doctor and Master of Philosophy from the State University of New York. Specialist in University Teaching, Lawyer and Philosopher. Associate Professor of the School of Philosophy of the Industrial University of Santander (UIS). Member of the Politeia research group of the UIS.
  • Ana Patricia Pabón-Mantillo PhD in Law, Master in Juridical Hermeneutics and Law, Specialist in University Teaching, Lawyer and Philosopher. Professor of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (Unab), leader of the research group Law Theory and Legal Training.



agonistic democracy, conflict, school institutions, school coexistence, national system of school coexistence


Taking as reference that there are several types of conflicts between the different actors that interact in the school and that on a daily basis demand answers from the institutions. This text analyzes the notion of democracy that underlies the responses that the Colombian State has constructed to mitigate and prevent situations that generate conflict within school institutions, For this purpose, the proposal of the model of agonistic democracy is taken as a reference, as a vision that allows to understand the teleology of the law that regulates the National School Coexistence System, without ignoring the difficulties of its implementation. Based on this analysis, some conclusions are presented. The analysis starts from a theoretical, qualitative review based on the analysis of documentary sources from a hermeneutical perspective.


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Pedagogy and Sociology of Education

How to Cite

National system of school coexistence and agonistic democracy: a perspective for dealing with conflict in school institutions. (2019). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 14(1), 261-274.

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