Burnout syndrome self-care

A theoretical reflection


  • Delvis Muñoz Rojas, DMR
  • Jorge Rafael Rodríguez López, JRL
  • William Niebles Núñez, WNN




Burnout syndrome, Risk factors, intensive care physicians (intensivists), Stress, Work shif


As an answer to chronic work related stress of a great incidence among professionals who provide service to other people. Such stress is characterized by cognitive impairment, and negative attitude towards people and the organization. In that regard, the aim of this article is to assess the risk factors of burnout syndrome in the private healthcare sector. It was theoretically supported by authors such as Gil Monte (2005), Maslach and Jackson (1981), Albee (2000) and Peiró (2005), among others. The research was descriptive, with a non experimental transversal layout and under the field mode. The group consisted of 36 intensive care physicians (intensivists). On the other hand, as a result of an assessment of theoretically-based compared situations, it was clear to observe the risk factors that trigger the burnout syndrome. They are those related to the workplace characteristics as well as personal and individual characteristics. In other words, the great implication at work, the desire to excel, control everything and produce outstanding results, extreme perfectionism and sensitivity, among others; finally, interpersonal relationships with family members and coworkers. In consequence, it was found that there is a high presence of the burnout syndrome risk factors among most of intensive care physicians in the private healthcare sector. Healthcare institutions were advised to implement strategies such as relaxing and recreational activities for 15 minutes during the work shift aimed at dispelling stressful situations.


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Author Biographies

  • Delvis Muñoz Rojas, DMR

    Psicóloga, Especialista en Salud Ocupacional, Magister en Sistemas de gestión. Docente del Programa de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de la Guajira. Correo electrónico: delvis21mr@gmail.com

  • Jorge Rafael Rodríguez López, JRL

    Enfermero, Especialista en Gerencia de la Calidad y Auditoría en Salud, Magíster en Salud Pública, Doctorante en Medicina Tropical. Integrante del Grupo de cuidado y grupo Gestión. Profesor de la Universidad Simón Bolívar Correo electrónico: social.jrodriguez2@unisimonbolivar.edu.co

  • William Niebles Núñez, WNN

    Administrador de Empresas, Magister en Dirección Estratégica. Profesor de la Universidad del Atlántico Correo electrónico: williamniebles@yahoo.com.mx


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How to Cite

Burnout syndrome self-care: A theoretical reflection. (2016). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 11(2), 97-103. https://doi.org/10.18041/2382-3240/saber.2016v11n2.520

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