Internacionalización de la educación superior

Retos de la universidad colombiana - editorial


  • Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez, AGS Universidad Libre



Among the factors that have more heavily marked the internationalization of higher education in Colombia are, undoubtedly, the globalization trends in all directions. Globalization, understood as the formation of a world community around the communicative possibilities through new technologies, has not only changed the rules of economy and politics but also how ordinary people live, think and interact. In this context, the university is no longer the cloister where a society’s highest traditions are preserved or scientific school backed knowledge is transmitted, but rather has become a focal point for the problem areas in our times. Its doors are open not only for the world to access the knowledge generated within, but also admit those voices that demand from them a more active role, and more responsibility concerning the future´s major challenges.


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Author Biography

  • Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez, AGS, Universidad Libre

    Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (RUDECOLOMBIA – Universidad de Cartagena), docente investigador de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander (Cúcuta – Colombia). Correo electrónico:



How to Cite

Internacionalización de la educación superior: Retos de la universidad colombiana - editorial. (2016). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 11(2), 13-16.

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