Bibliometric applications of the study of intellectual capital within higher education institutions from a sustainable approach




Human capital, sustainable development, University, Bibliometrics


This review article is developed to characterize the bibliometric applications of the study of intellectual capital within higher education institutions from a sustainable approach. The research is based on a descriptive level and with a documentary design, which is based on scientometric techniques in the area of knowledge of intellectual capital within higher education institutions within the framework of sustainability. The data is obtained from the database in an observation window from 1990 to 2023. In the results, in general, a total of 221 documents are observed with a growth in scientific production of 4.29% per year. It should be noted that the United States is the country with the highest production related to the area of knowledge, the networks between keywords denote a greater number in terms such as “sustainability” and “sustainable development”.


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How to Cite

Bibliometric applications of the study of intellectual capital within higher education institutions from a sustainable approach. (2023). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 18(1), 280-296.

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