Síndrome de visión por computadora. Una revisión de un problema ocular poco advertido.
Vision Disorders, eye health, visually impaired, asthenopia, computer vision syndrome, electronic devicesAbstract
Introduction: various mainly visual and musculoskeletal manifestations have been associated with frequent exposure to screens of different electronic devices. These affectations configure the computer vision syndrome (CVS), which affects around 60 million people worldwide and significantly affects the performance of their daily tasks.
Objective: To review the scientific literature on the factors associated with the development of computer vision syndrome and the measures aimed at its management or prevention.
Materials and Methods: Thematic review, where scientific literature was collected in Pubmed, LILACS and SciELO, in English and Spanish languages from the last 20 years, using search queries with DeCS and MeSH terms.
Results: 50 studies were selected out of 125 indexed, which met the inclusion criteria, from which valuable information was obtained on symptoms, associated factors, both global and local epidemiological data, current knowledge, preventive measures and treatment.
Conclusion: a high number of studies show the high prevalence of symptoms associated with CVS among users of electronic devices. In turn, there is evidence of a great deficit in knowledge about CVS in both students and administrators, which could lead to the silent development of the disease. In Colombia, research on this topic is still insufficient. Regarding preventive interventions, they are considered essential for the improvement of symptoms and thus prevent this entity from becoming a public health problem.
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