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Computer visual syndrome in workers who use computers




Visual computer syndrome, computer terminals, occupational health, occupational exposure, workers, eyes


Introduction: Exposure to computer screens for long periods of time leads to visual efforts, changes in the ocular surface and tear film, and a set of signs and symptoms called Visual Computer Syndrome. Objective: to synthesize scientific knowledge on Computer Visual Syndrome in computer user workers, according to year, country, type of study, the worker, instrument used to measure the syndrome, and signs and symptoms.

Methods: Systematic review (PROSPERO, CRD42020216218) of original studies in Spanish and English published between 2010 and June 2020 in the PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, BVS, Dialnet, Science Direct and Google Scholar databases. The methodological quality was evaluated according to the STROBE criteria and a qualitative synthesis of the results was carried out.

Results: Of 962 articles, 17 complied with the protocol. The average score of the quality assessment was 16.3 ± 2.06. 76.47% were published from 2016 to June 2020 and Spain presented the highest number of publications (23.5%). The vast majority were cross-sectional studies (94.1%), office and IT workers were the most studied (29.4%), the most widely used instrument was the Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire (CVS-Q) (11.8%), and headache was the most frequent symptom.

Conclusions: The visual computer syndrome has been investigated very little in the last decade, showing great information on its prevalence but not on its diagnosis, intervention and treatment. It is necessary to design other instruments for its detection.


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Author Biographies

  • Diana Carolina Silva Sánchez, Universidad CES, Medellin, Colombia

    Enfermera. Especialista en gerencia de salud ocupacional. Magíster en Educación. Estudiante de Doctorado en Salud Pública de la Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia

  • Gino Montenegro, Universidad CES, Medellin, Colombia

    Odontólogo general. Magíster en Administración en Salud. Doctor en Salud Pública. Docente Universidad CES.  Medellín, Colombia

  • Natalia Gomez, Universidad CES, Medellin, Colombia

    Abogada. Especialista en derecho. Magíster en Derecho modalidad en profundización. Doctora en Salud Pública. Docente Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia

  • Erika Giraldo, Universidad CES, Medellin, Colombia

    Gerente de sistemas de información en salud. Especialista en Gerencia de IPS. Postgraduação em Epidemiologia. Doutorado em Epidemiología.

    Docente Universidad CES,  Medellín, Colombia


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2021-06-20 — Updated on 2021-06-22


How to Cite

Computer visual syndrome in workers who use computers. (2021). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 11(1), e-7237. (Original work published 2021)

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