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Emotional regulation, self-care and burnout in clinical psychologists when working at home due to mandatory quarantine due to COVID-19




COVID-19, Emotional regulation, Self-care, Burnout, Clinical Psychologists


Objective: To analyze self-care, emotional regulation, and exhaustion in clinical psychologists who have provided care in mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic and to develop a linear regression model, to know the predictor variables and the influence of the variables on the studied problem.
Methods: Is a cross-sectional, quantitative study applied the Self-Care Behavior Scale for Clinical Psychologists, the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory.
Results: Most of the participants have self-care behaviors, a medium level of emotional regulation, and low rates of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The correlations between the measured variables fit three simple linear regression models for the analysis and prediction of emotional regulation, self-care, and burnout.
Conclusions: Knowing the implications of occupational risks in clinical psychologists has relevance in the parameters of comprehensive public health. To consider the well-being of these professionals is important for the effective development of their work to provide attention to the mental health of society.


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How to Cite

Emotional regulation, self-care and burnout in clinical psychologists when working at home due to mandatory quarantine due to COVID-19. (2021). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 10(1), 6430.

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