Observational ergonomic methods for evaluating the biomechanical risk associated with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs in workers 2014-2019


  • Sara Patricia Angulo Martínez Fundación Ideal
  • Yensi Johana Valencia Quintero Fundación Ideal para la Rehabilitación Integral Julio H. Calonge. Cali, colombia
  • Liliana Marcela Rivera Huertas Fundación Ideal para la Rehabilitación Integral Julio H. Calonge. Cali, colombia
  • Lessby Gómez Salazar Universidad Libre. Cali, Colombia




musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomic, risk factor, risk, occupational diseases, evaluation techniques, upper limb


Introduction: Due to technological advances and the concern to improve the working conditions of the workers, observational evaluation methods (OEMs) have been used in studies during the years 2014 to 2019 for biomechanical risk assessment (BRA) associated witch musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). However, the existence of new methods, as well as the frequency and form of used of those already recognized, is disseminated information and it is not easily accessible to professionals interested in this topic. This research seeks to compile what is reported on this topic, in order to facilitate what the reader wants and highlight the trends and gaps around the OEMs.
Objective: To carry out a bibliographic review of scientific literature published between 2014 and 2019 where the use of OEMs for BRA from MSDs in upper limbs (UL) evidenced in workers.
Methods: A search of articles was made in order to find the use of OEM, published in English in Medline, Science direct, and SCOPUS from 08/03/19 until 15/06/19.
Results: Applying the exclusion and inclusion criteria, 41 articles were found in which ere, the use of eight OEMs associated with MSDs from UL with an increasing trend in publications during 2015 and 2018 were identified.
Conclusion: OEMs continue to be highly reported, with few new methods found. The need for more publications in Colombia and Latin America is evident.


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How to Cite

Observational ergonomic methods for evaluating the biomechanical risk associated with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs in workers 2014-2019. (2020). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 10(2), e-6329. https://doi.org/10.18041/2322-634X/rcso.2.2020.6329 (Original work published 2021)

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