Cardiovascular risk and occupational factors in public transport drivers in Bogotá
Cardiovascular diseases, risk factors, Job description, forecasting, epidemiologyAbstract
Drivers of public passenger transport are continuously exposed to different risks such as cardiovascular risk. Objective: To determine cardiovascular risk and its relation with occupational factors in public transport drivers during the year 2015 in Bogotá. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 702 public service drivers in Bogotá, assisted in an occupational health IPS. Demographic, occupational, pathological antecedents and total cholesterol, HDL and blood pressure were included. SPSS Statistics 24 was used to obtain measures of central tendency and dispersion. Associations were sought between cardiovascular risk and sociodemographic and occupational factors using multivariate analysis. Results: The cardiovascular risk of the population was moderate and high (38.6%) according to Framigham. A significant direct correlation was found between cardiovascular risk with age, age at work, total cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and body mass index, and a significant inverse correlation with HDL cholesterol. A statistically significant association was found between cardiovascular risk with high BMI (p= 0.039), diabetes (OR= 4.031. 95 % CI: 2.48-6.57. p <0.001), vibration (p= 0.035) , Alcohol consumption (p = 0.003) and cigarette smoking (OR= 2.49. 95 % CI: 1.68-3.70. p= 0.014). Conclusions: The cardiovascular risk of drivers is high and is associated with a history of diabetes, cigarette smoking, obesity and overweight, high blood pressure and seniority in the work, hence the importance of prioritizing the surveillance of this population.
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