Biological bases of physical activity as a tool for prevention of occupational risks
Motor Activity, Rehabilitation, Health Behavior, Occupational TherapAbstract
: To theorize the benefits of physical activity as a multidimensional tool in habilitation-rehabilitation processes. Methods: Review article. A review of 69 articles covering the therapeutic benefits of physical activity was done in different databases including PubMed, EBSCO, Cochrane, LILACS and PedDro, written in English and Spanish. Results: A relation is generated on the effects supported in the scientific background referring to the benefits of physical activity; thus allowing to demonstrate the physiological bases in various systems that make up the human-representative for the prevention of occupational risks. The results, of qualitative types, indicated accommodations in the nervous system affirming that it potentiates angiogenesis, neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, in the endocrine system potentiates glucose homeostasis to achieve greater utilization of fats at the muscular level, lipid elimination and recovery. Of injuries due to modification of platelet growth factors; finally, cardiorespiratory adaptations, in which an increase in the oxidative capacity of the skeletal muscle reflected by the maximum activity and the protein content of mitochondrial enzymes are generated, a better oxidation of lipids, structure and vascular function perf. Conclusions: Physical activity promotes positive adaptations in the nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, metabolic and endocrine functions, immune response functions, cardiorespiratory functions, fat, bone and muscle functions, sensory and motor functions, cognition and behavior, sexual functions and occupational skills that help the health of those who practice it, in addition to prevent disabling situations.
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