Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and its associated factors in nursing staff at a Second Level Hospital
Fatigue, Muscle Weakness, NursesAbstract
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is characterized by persistent and unexplained fatigue in small physical and mental efforts, and is usually accompanied by a symptomatic inflammatory context; its chronic and persistent course causes functional limitation. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and its associated factors in nursing staff at a Second Level Hospital Methods: Prospective, cross-sectional, analytical study in nursing personnel. With a total sample of 120 workers, from the general nurse and auxiliary general nurse categories. An already validated questionnaire was applied with the diagnosis criteria of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome of the Center of Disease and Prevention (CDC), simple frequency analysis was performed. Results: The prevalence was 6.7 %, affecting the female gender, nurses in the fourth decade of life 4.2 %, the totality of the cases occurred in workers with a bachelor’s degree, predominating in the category of nursing assistant 4.2 %. Regarding individual factors, overweight and obesity predominated 5.8 %. Conclusions: The prevalence was 6.7 %, affecting the female gender, nurses in the fourth decade of life 4.2 %, the totality of the cases occurred in workers with a bachelor’s degree, predominating in the category of nursing assistant 4.2 %. Regarding individual factors, overweight and obesity predominated 5.8 %.
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