Organizational climate in a mexican higher education institution
Organizational climate, Welfare, Psychology, University, Organizations, Workers, Employees, Psychosociology workAbstract
For maintenance and growth of organizations, is vital to the proper functioning of its structure and administrative processes; it plays an important role knowledge of motivational tendencies, self-perception of the subject, the role and interpersonal relationships in the workplace; what it is known as organizational climate. In that sense, the organizational climate and its relationship to social and labor factors of institutional higher education in Mexico is unknown.
Objective: The aim of the research was to study the relationship between organizational climate and work area, while toiling, type of contract and category of staff of an educational institution.
Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted on 201 workers of an institution of highereducation in Jalisco, Mexico. For the measurement of organizational climate instrument developed by Koys and Decottis it was applied and a survey was designed to recover the social and labor variables such as work area, toiling time, type of contract and job category. Descriptive statistics were used with crosstabs and nonparametric statistics with analysis of simple correspondence between the study variables to determine the relationships between them and the Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to the analysis of contrast groups, both tests with a alpha error of 0.05.
Results: 80% of workers in the coordination of learning technologies presented a very high overall rate of organizational climate. The simple correlation analysis was 1,000 (P=0.05), and Kruskal-Wallis was 0.802 (P=0.05). 95.8% of global indices academic workers had high to very high; the value of simple correlation analysis was 0.982 (p = 0.05) and Kruskal-Wallis was 0.667 (P=0.05). 100% of workers reported having less than 1 year toiling global indices showed high to very high: the value of correspondence analysis was .919 (P=0.05), and Kruskal-Wallis was 0.181 (P=0.05).
Conclusions: Workers regardless of the work area, toiling time, type of contract and job category reported an overall level of organizational climate index high to very high, which is positive for the institution.
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