Knowledge and attitudes in the application of biosafety standards for nursing service personnel
Nursing, Biosafety, Risk, Knowledge, PracticesAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge on biological risk and the attitudes of nursing personnel in the application of biosafety standards. Methodology: Descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional study in 131 nursing professionals and auxiliaries, in which knowledge and attitudes regarding the issue of biological risk, protection measures and good practices were evaluated. Descriptive statistics and a bivariate analysis were used using both Chi2 and Fisher's Exact Test, considering alpha 0.05. Results: 85% of the sample were nursing assistants and 89% women. More than 80% have intermediate to low levels of knowledge. In more than 60%, the attitude towards the application of biosafety standards was unfavorable or indifferent. A statistically significant relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes was evident (P <0.05). Conclusions: There is evidence of the need to improve the knowledge and attitudes of nursing personnel on the issue of biological risk, so that they can recognize it and mitigate its consequences.Downloads
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