Didactic games based on augmented reality to support the teaching of biology


  • Deiner José Restrepo Durán
  • Libardo Segundo Cuello Montañez
  • Leidys del Carmen Contreras Chinchilla




Augmented reality, Education, Learning, Mobile application, Multimedia


This paper presents the design and development of a mobile application based on Augmented Reality (AR), as a teaching tool to support learning in the area of biology students from elementary school. The AR is a technology that combines elements of the real world with elements of virtual world in real time, this is done by using markers (image), which when focused with the camera of a mobile device display multimedia content (objects 3D, text, videos and other). For the realization of this project began with the review of applications with AR in various environments, then a survey was conducted between teachers to the school selected for the development of this project in order to identify areas and most critical themes, which led to the design of an application to support the teaching of biology area. Finally, a prototype was developed and tested among students and teachers of selected school. With the development of this project it was evident that the AR as a teaching tool improvement the learning of topics of biology, because students can learn in an interactive and fun way, so as to achieve their attention


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How to Cite

Restrepo Durán DJ, Cuello Montañez LS, Contreras Chinchilla L del C. Didactic games based on augmented reality to support the teaching of biology. ingeniare [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];(19):99-116. Available from: https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/ingeniare/article/view/528

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