Factors associated with non-adherence to cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary disease
cardiac rehabilitation, coronary disease, cardiovascular diseases, therapeutic adherence, compliance, HADS, anxietyAbstract
Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world and approximately half of these are due to coronary heart disease. The most affected countries are those of medium and low income, as Colombia. There are interventions such as cardiac rehabilitation for these patients, however 7.5%-29.0% of coronary patients are referred and of these 40%- 55% manage to finish and adhere to the treatment.
Objective: To determine the factors associated with non-adherence of patients with coronary heart disease to CRP (Cardiac rehabilitation program) in a Cali clinic between 2017 and 2019.
Methods: Retrospective study of cases and controls where a bivariate and multivariate analysis of 99 patients was performed. 46 cases were not adherent to the PRC and 56 controls adherent to it.
Results: 21% of the patients correspond to the male gender with an average age of 63.2 ±10.25 years; an association was evidenced between the anxiety variable evaluated with the HADS scale and non-adherence to the CRP with an OR of 0.26 (CI 95%: 0.07-0.84; p: 0.0114).
Conclusion: The presence of anxiety is an associated factor in patients with non-adherence to CRP. It is considered highly relevant to have an interdisciplinary team in the CRP. The correct application of questionnaires such as the HADS allow identifying these types of situations at a personal level helping to improve adherence to the CRP and thus achieve the multiple benefits evidenced in the programs.
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