The Driving Forces Model applied to urban malaria control in Colombia




Malaria, urban malaria, driving forces model, 10-year Public Health plan, Colombia


Urban malaria is established as a result of an unplanned urbanization. This occurs mainly in the peripheral areas of human settlements. Rural populations are pressured by political, economic and social factors that force them to migrate to the cities. This migration reaches the poorest areas, with lack of services and sanitation. All this results in a negative pressure on the environment, where vegetation is modified and are created conditions for the establishment of malaria.
The understanding of malaria is complex because of the multiple variables involved. It has been proposed the inclusion of social determinants of health, permit to see how they influence transmission and then design methods to minimize transmission. Under this premise, the Colombian Ministry of Health designed the Ten-Year Public Health Plan 2012-2021 and also proposed the Driving Forces Model within the framework of the Environmental Health Dimension to address the health problems of the populations.
Taking these two documents, that serve as a framework for this opinion article, it is discussed how this model can be approached for malaria control. It is also based on a literature review to address each category of the model.


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Author Biography

  • Yezid Solarte, Universidad del Valle

    Biologist, Universidad del Valle

    MSc Protozoology Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela

    MSc Ciencias Biomedicas, Universidad del Valle

    Universidad Libre, Cali, Colombia


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How to Cite

The Driving Forces Model applied to urban malaria control in Colombia. (2018). Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 1(2), e-006.

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