Osteotechnics protocol applied to human hands





Anatomy, Hand, Bones, Osteology, Osteotechnnics


The study of the osteoarticular component of the human hand requires didactic strategies which enable the student to understand its osseous relationships and related accidents. Osteotechnics, permits the use of bone models, and facilitate a student’s learning process by having access to real pieces.The objective was to present an osteotechnical protocol applied to human hands This study was carried out in the anatomy laboratory of the Morphology Department of the Universidad delValle in Cali, Colombia, four human hands handed over to the custody of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences were used the protocol was developed in two phases: Phase I: handling of soft tissues; Phase II: handling of bone tissue. Of the four anatomical models of the bone component of the hand obtained, two were articulated and two disarticulated for academic use.With the application of the protocol, not only were anatomical bone models of long durability obtained, benefitting both student and teacher in the theoretical-practical classes, but also, the student who carried out the procedure deepened their knowledge of this anatomical segment during and after the development of the technique.


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Author Biographies

  • Marcela Agudelo-Ríos, Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia

    Professor Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia

  • Estefania Montoya-Cobo, Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia

    Professor Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia

  • Liliana Salazar-Monsalve, Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia

    Professor Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia


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