Evaluation of environmental thermal conditions production area in a bakery in Cereté (Córdoba)


  • Angélica Del Carmen Cújar-Vertel




Thermal conditions, heat, heat stress, WBGT Index


This project aims to evaluate the temperature conditions of workers in the production area in a bakery in Cereté city, in order to determine if the exposure values are within permissible limits. The study is framed within the quantitative research and it is descriptive. It is a transactional research because is performed one observation in a period of time. The population was composed of workers in the production area. The analysis and interpretation of the data was performed using the WBGT Index, it was calculated with wet bulb temperature, globe temperature, and dry temperature, the result was 30.69°C. In conclusion, exposure to the temperature of the production area of the bakery exceeds permissible limits values, 28°C, being a potential danger to human health; however, workers are acclimated in this area. Finally, control measures are recommended in order to improve the working conditions of workers exposed in the company


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How to Cite

Evaluation of environmental thermal conditions production area in a bakery in Cereté (Córdoba). (2015). Entramado, 12(1), 332-343. https://doi.org/10.18041/entramado.2016v12n1.23103

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