Microbiological analysis of surfaces in contact with food
Surfaces, foodborne diseases, microbial safety, hygiene, food, universitiesAbstract
In Colombia, foodborne illnesses have increased, being the restaurants and educational institutions within the most involved places. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the microbial safety of living and inert surfaces in contact with food in formal and informal restaurants and street food stalls near a university campus. In total, 41 surfaces were selected for the analysis of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and total Coliform, which were subsequently identified by rapid biochemical tests. The results showed cross contamination, with high percentages in aerobic mesophilic bacteria, and although most total coliform counts are within the allowable limit, bacterial identification demonstrates the presence of several genera of the Enterobacteriaceae family. In addition, training in hygienic food modifications was shown to be a good instrument to minimize bacterial counts on surfaces.
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