Digital stories through Windows Movie Maker: A tool to improve writing in English




Writing, digital stories, English


Writing is one of the four communicative skills that must be practiced inside the classroom; however, due to its nature and considering that writing is a process, it cannot be properly developed on certain occasions. This action research took place in a public school in the Bio Bio region - Chile. The participants of this study were 19 seventh grade students, and an intervention sequence was conducted to improve students’ writing skill in English, by producing short digital stories using Windows Movie Maker.  A writing task was developed by the students and assessed with an analytic rubric at the beginning and end of the intervention. The results were compared using the Wilcoxon test in order to determine if there were statistically significant differences. In addition, a perceptions questionnaire was applied to identify students’ thoughts about the intervention. Regarding the results, it can be stated that this intervention not only helped to improve the students’ performance when writing in English, but also contributed to generate a positive impression when they had to face writing tasks.


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How to Cite

Digital stories through Windows Movie Maker: A tool to improve writing in English. (2019). Entramado, 16(1), 122-136.