Sensorial profile of four cocoa sowing models in Colombia
Cocoa, model, profile, cocoa liquorAbstract
The objective of this study was of determine the sensorial characteristics of the cocoa liquor corresponding for each one of the four sowing models established by Fedecacao in the four producer’s regions of Colombia. Evaluating the sensorial characteristics to establish the sensorial profile of the cocoa liquor of the obtained materials on each model of sowing following the NTC 3929 characterizing each one of the models for each region.The evaluated models correspond to the following clones M1: CCN-51, M2: Materials with a big grain size. FSV 41- ICS 39 - ICS 6 - ICS 1, M3: Materials with high productions. FSA 13– ICS 1- FLE 3- TSH 565, M4: Materials with Monilia resistance. FEC 2 - CAUC 39 - ICS 95 - FLE 2. Determining the sensorial characteristics of the cocoa liquor of the established models, it is determined the variables that indicate the behavior of the attributes of each liquor. We established the sensorial profile of the four models succeeding in establishing that the model number four of sickness resistance has a better sensorial profile comparing with the other three being this typical of a cocoa with a trinitary origin and that will permit obtain liquors with high quality.
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